Motorcycles are truly astonishing examples of modern mechanics. They are extremely powerful and many are beautiful works of unique craftsmanship. Though not, typically, as expensive as cars, motorcycles still are a large investment and should be protected by CT motorcycle insurance, particularly when money has been borrowed in order to buy them. Below are typical coverages that apply either to the vehicle or to those operating the vehicle:
Collision coverage – This covers damage to your own vehicle that happens when your vehicle runs into another object, such as other vehicles, trees, light poles, mountains, etc.
Other Than Collision coverage – This also covers damage to your own vehicle that is due to sources such as fire, theft, hitting an animal, vandalism, earthquake, flood or hail.
Unlike liability coverage, both Collision and Other Than Collision coverages are subject to deductibles, the amount of a claim that the policy owner must pay. Deductibles are meant to eliminate an insurer having to pay for very minor losses.
Special Parts and Accessories – This coverage may be part of a cycle insurer’s basic coverage or, quite often, an optional coverage. Typically it pays for loss involving damage to custom equipment that is added to a cycle rather than what is provided by the cycle manufacturer.
Medical Payments – This coverage typically handles medical expenses for injuries to you while operating your cycle.
Roadside Assistance – This coverage is to help pay for your costs to deal with a disabled cycle, helping to pay for it to be transported to a location for repairs of to assist with the cost for any repair or service that occurs at the location of the cycle’s breakdown. However, this coverage is for labor rather than the costs of parts.
Remember the above information only touches upon some typical insurance issues. It’s always wise to contact your agent at Paradiso Insurance and discuss your CT motorcycle insurance questions and needs in detail. Having the right coverage will keep your wallet and credit safe and secure in case you and your bike experience an accident.