Do you ever wonder why home insurance is sometimes so high? Think that the insurance company is simply raising your rates just because they can? Home insurance is a tricky thing, and many factors go into deciding your coverage and premium payments. Luckily, if you’ve chosen Paradiso Insurance, you’ll never receive unfair premiums, and will always be treated as our most important customer.
So what then are some reasons why home insurance premiums could rise. They’re actually pretty common scenarios that you probably would not have realized would raise your rates. In order to make this a little easier for you, below are some of the reasons why they do:
- Beware of Dog: almost 1/3 of homeowners insurance in CT claims are a result of dog bites. Some insures flat out will not cover homes if they have dogs that have a history of violence such as pit bulls and Rottweilers.
- Own a Pool? It’ll cost you: the leading cause of death amongst children ages 1-4 is drowning. Make sure you’re up-to-date on all of your safety precautions and measures when pool season is in full swing.
- Trampoline- look before you leap! There was over 100,000 visits to the emergency room last year due to mishaps on the trampoline. This could raise your premiums if this because a serious liability.
- Tree house in the future? Well, ER’s treat almost 8000 children every day for fall related injuries. That’ll make you think twice before you head to the lumber yard.
Stay tuned for tomorrow, as part two will give you the remaining reasons why your homeowners insurance in CT may be on the rise.