In keeping with our health kick week in the wake of last week’s Thanksgiving festivities, today we’d like to talk about one of the hardest things to do when trying to eat right and stay healthy- staying full. One of the biggest culprits of unhealthy eating is portion control. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the big bags of popcorn at the movie theater, the appetizers at dinner, and the frozen yogurt for dessert, but those are the things that we need to cut out from our diets.
That’s hard for a lot of us though, because we have become so accustomed to that much food, so when we cut those foods out, our bodies feel like they need more food to make up for the loss, but really we don’t. What we really need to do in order to fight off the hunger pains is look for foods that are healthy and will simultaneously keep us feeling fuller more often.
Below are a few foods that we have found to be very healthy and will also keep you fuller, longer.
-the baked potato: Okay, these have taken quite a hit over the last several years because of the low carb craze. But baked potatoes are actually extremely high in vitamins and fiber, along with other great nutrients.
-eggs: Okay, so it’s probably not the bet idea to chug ten of them raw in a glass like Rocky, but eggs are such a great source of protein that they’ll keep you full for a while.
-greek yogurt: Another great source of protein that will keep you fuller, longer. Furthermore, yogurt has been proven to be one of the best foods for loosing weight. Greek yogurt especially, because of how it’s made, actually has less sugar and twice the amount of protein in it than normal yogurt.
-apples: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. It’s not a saying, it’s really true. What’s really interesting is that because it takes a while to eat, your stomach actually tricks your brain telling it that it’s full. How cool is that?!
So these are just some of the foods that will keep your health streak going strong, and keep you full over a longer period of time. Furthermore, it’ll help out your CT health insurance as well. Stay tuned tomorrow, as we’ll provide you with more of these foods to keep on your health kick.