Manual labor, especially lifting heavy objects can really do a number on the body of an employee if proper lifting techniques are not practiced. It is of utmost importance that training and techniques are practiced to ensure that drivers are safe when dropping packages off at the various locations on their route.
Here are the extra steps we recommend taking to confirm the safety of delivery drivers:
Test The Package
Just because a package is small doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s light. Always test the package by pushing on it lightly with your hands or feet. This will help you to get a feel for the weight so you can properly prepare yourself to lift it.

Make Sure It’s Packed Correctly
Always check to see if the weight of the package is distributed evenly. If there are loose objects in the box, then there is the possibility that will shift while you are driving and in turn, cause an accident.
Don’t Overextend
Never reach out far to pick up a package or reach up for something that is placed too high. Instead, use a ladder or move closer to the object to avoid overextending your muscles and/’or injuring your back. Also, let your arms and legs do the work – not your back!
Practice Safe Lifting
When lifting a package, always use smooth controlled movements, and try not to twist your torso as it can also increase the likelihood of an injury. Always keep the load close to your body, which will help to reduce the strain on your back muscles. By carrying the load in the space between your shoulders and waist, it takes that pressure off of your back and helps reduce the possibility of injury.

Be Proactive
Make sure you are warming up and stretching before you start your day of lifting. You would if you were at the gym, right!? It’s also important to make sure that you pace yourself so you don’t get tired and start neglecting your safe lifting habits. Make sure you keep your eyes on the ground and look where you are walking. Never let your package be the reason you fall because it was blocking your field of vision!
The Takeaway
The fact that an injury is so likely to occur if the proper steps aren’t taken is the reason why the act of manual handling is often included as a hazard when insurance companies construct insurance coverage.
But aside from the insurance aspect, we really want to harp on the physical well-being of the drivers for today. We understand that time is of the essence when making daily deliveries, but rushing to grab a package that’s heavy runs the serious risk of injury. The bottom line is that it simply isn’t worth the risk! At Paradiso Insurance, safety is key and we hope that our tips will help ensure the daily safety of your drivers and help reduce the likelihood of a claim. To learn more, or for more information on our Parcel Safety and Insurance options, give us a call at 860-453-0116 or click here to send us a message.