It really is amazing at how much insurance can be related to every day life. Just think about all of the local snow plowers that clear away drive ways, side walks, parking lots, and pretty much any other place that needs snow removal. Do they need more coverage than a standards auto policy or are they fine?
That’s where we at Paradiso Insurance come in. We know that many private snow plowers, like those landscapers or other winter workers who clear out the snow from pretty much any place you can think of, need more coverage than your standard CT auto insurance policy. Snow Plow Insurance is a very unique coverage that we offer to any private snow plowers that is specially designed for snow plowing and the risks involved. Accidents that occur when plowing snow aren’t your typical accidents that would normally occur and fall under CT auto insurance.
So in order to get the very most out of your coverage, turn to Paradiso Insurance for all of your CT insurance needs, even such coverages like snow plow insurance. You name it, we cover it. So give us a call today. You’ll talk to a real person, not a machine, and you’ll be taken care of like no other insurance agency can!