Waiting all year around for the summers and planning the year around these peak summer months has been a norm ever since life took a turn into mechanization and modernity. Arguably, the most exciting time of the year, the summers offer an ode to the soul. With a respite from the arduous routine, summers are a comfort to the young and adults alike. With all its blessings, summer is also a time for getting some work done. This includes maintenance duties such as those on your car, house, backyard, etc. As a local insurance agency, we care about the larger community here in Connecticut. This is why we ask that you read a few tips regarding summer car maintenance to keep the business in the state going about without any bumps. Summer car maintenance is also a good idea to optimize your car’s efficiency and keep it up throughout the year.
Air Conditioning
Nothing is worse than a faulted AC unit during a hot summer day. Getting your AC checked up on during the summer months and even before that is always a good idea – one that cannot go wrong. Because let’s get one thing straight – an already defected air conditioning unit won’t be able to survive the torrid summer heat. This summer, be sure to get your AC checked by a certified professional to avoid sweaty car rides.
Windshield wipers
Replacing your car’s windshield wipers before the peak summer months is always a good idea. Summer time – though promises clear skies and humid air, it also brings with it the powerful summer storms – accompanied by heavy rainfalls and the threats of thunder. You’ll need wipers you can rely on during this season!

Tire check
Keeping your tires in premium condition should be a priority all year round. During the summer, however, the threat of a tire blowout is greatly increased, especially when the temperature reaches the 80-90 mark. Plus, try to get this inspection done manually in addition to an automatic look over.
You also want to pay attention to the external appearance of your tires – in order to gauge wear and tear.
During the summers, it is absolutely vital that you keep your engine cooled down as to prevent a greater damage. A liquid mix made up of antifreeze with any sort of engine-friendly coolant is what essentially keeps your engine from heating up. Thus, the most common cause of your car heating up is amounted to the lack or inefficiency of this mixture.
We advise that you get your engine inspected before the summer months.
Getting insurance
Even after all the attention to detail, it is quite possible that your car breaks down – be it due to heat or whatever reason. This is why it is best that you save yourself from financial troubles and get auto-insurance. This will not only help you get rid of your car problems during the summer months but also all year round – in accidents as well.